Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ayiti Toujou Bel (Haiti is Still Beautiful)

In the midst of this chaos and ugliness of violence, of need, of loss, of corruption and unfairness, I want to remind you of all the beauty of Haiti. 

Haiti is a tropical island. A jewel in the necklace of the Antilles, with mountains and ocean, jungles, plains, fruits, flowers, birds, and butterflies. There are conch shells, coral reefs replete with colorful fish, coconut palms, white sand and turquoise surf. Magnificent sunrises and sunsets paint the horizon and the Milky Way sweeps across the sky at night. 

God's Creation is glorious, still impressive through the ravages of time and conquest. 
Haiti's people are the most inspiring of this Creation, but let us also remember and appreciate the beauty of her land.

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